Q: What age can my child attend?
A: Broad Haven Playgroup is able to accept children between the ages of 2-4.

Q: When is the Playgroup open?
A: The Playgroup runs from 8:30am to 1pm, Monday – Friday during school term time.

Q: Can I use The Childcare Offer for Wales at Broad Haven Playgroup?
A: Yes. All eligible parents / carers will be able to use their entitlement (up to 30 hours free childcare per week) at Broad Haven Playgroup.

Q: Where is the Playgroup?
A: Broad Haven Playgroup is located in the Broad Haven Primary School, Marine Rd, Broad Haven, Haverfordwest SA62 3JS.

Q: Do I have to live in the local area to use the Playgroup?
A: No! Broad Haven Playgroup is open to everyone.

Q: How much are the fees?
A: Please contact us to discuss further.

Q: Is food provided / included in the price?
A: Broad Haven Playgroup will provide morning snacks but we ask that you provide them with a healthy packed lunch.

Q: My child attends Broad Haven Primary School in the afternoon, can you take them to school for me?
A: Yes. We have plenty of children who attend the local primary school in the afternoons; a member of staff will take all school children over to the school for 1pm every day.

Q: Do you offer a settling-in period?
A: Yes. We recommend as settling-in period over the first week (or first 5 days if your child is not full-time) so that they can get to know the Playgroup.

Q: How do I register my child with you?
A: You will find information and a registration form in the ‘Registration and Fees’ section.